Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

My Max Lucado "Walking with the Savior' calendar for January 15th said, " Life is too big to be resolved in one day...just take the challenges that come your way one day at a time."

Has Max Lucado been reading my mail? Thanks, Max for another reminder to live one day at a time.

Last night Bobby and I were talking about all the encouragement that we are receiving from so many people, many of you reading this right now.
Whether it be cards, e-mails, facebook, calls, etc. Then Bobby said something in a way that I had never heard before.
Those of you who know Bobby know about his "Sharpisms." Maybe I will share some of those on here sometime. I can hear some of you that know about "Sharpisms" laughing NOW.
Anyway, I digress, back to my point. This was not a "Sharpism." This was just a neat way of saying something. Bobby said, "encouragement comes from all corners."
I never thought about it like that. From all corners. I loved that. Encouragement comes from all corners. I think that would make a good "calendar" entry.

We continued to talk and I was asking him how I could encourage a friend of mine who is going through a rough time right now. Bobby said, " Do you really want to know?"
I thought, well YEAH, that's why I asked the question. He then got right next to my right ear and whispered real low, "BE A GOOD LISTENER." Not only was what he said good and what I needed to hear, the delivery was pretty profound as well. To whisper really low in my ear "to be a good listener." The point was made.

I know this was kind of a ramble, but it was just a few neat things that blessed me in the last day or so and I thought I would share.

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to tell ya how much i enjoy reading your thoughts! i think you are a very good've taken time to get to know and listen to me:) i know you'll be an encouragement to your friend! i hope bobby feels well this weekend and that y'all are able to enjoy spending time together. happy LONG weekend:)
